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Ufloat rates

We guarantee a reliable and affordable rate on all of our ufloat experiences


How do we calculate prices?


In most locations, the cost of each experience is calculated in advance, before confirming your rent. In other cases, the app will show an estimated rate range. Here are some fees and factors that can affect the price of our services:


Base rate


The base rate is determined by the rental time. Each experience has a base rate.


Fixed fee


Depending on the location, a flat fee may be added to each rental. This fee helps to maintain operational, regulatory and security costs.


Dynamic rate


This rate is subject to the behavior of supply and demand in each location. When there are more Users than Captains available, the cost of each experience is temporarily increased, until the market is regularized.

Ufloat service fee

Users want a safe way to live their experiences. Captains want reliable earnings. Our pricing technology is designed to meet the needs of Users and Captains, which is why ufloat is the first choice for both.

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